These Fruits are Safe to Feed Fido | SMS St. Petersburg

These Fruits are Safe to Feed Fido

These Fruits are Safe to Feed Fido

There’s not much diversity when it comes to dog treats. When your pup has tried one, they’ve probably tried them all. Luckily, there are plenty of human foods that you can feed Fido to diversify their diet and keep them interested.

We’re all aware of common human foods to avoid, but when considering fruit, toxic and safe foods are not understood universally. These eleven fruits are safe, tasty, and sure to make your puppy’s tummy happy.


Quick Facts: This is an excellent source of vitamins A and C. It is also low in protein and fat but very fibrous. It is wonderful for older dogs. Remove the core and seeds to ensure the pup’s safety while they enjoy this tasty treat.


Quick Facts: This superfood offers tons of antioxidants and nurturing properties. Blueberries can help your dog prevent cell damage. They are packed with fiber and phytochemicals. Frozen blueberries are a great treat to teach your pet how to catch food!


Quick Facts: These fruits are great for pups on occasion. Bananas are high in sugar content, which could cause other health issues for your dog. Even with the amount of sugar in a Banana, they still have positive health benefits. They contain potassium, vitamins, fiber, biotin, and copper. Not to mention, bananas are easy to digest; make sure to peel beforehand because the banana peel can cause blockages.


Quick Facts: Pineapple is great for dogs and offers vitamins, minerals, and other fibers. We recommend fresh pineapple over canned to maximize its full health benefits. This fruit contains bromelain, an enzyme that makes absorbing protein easier for dogs. Make sure to completely remove the outer layer and crown of the pineapple before feeding it to Fido.


Quick Facts: Strawberries are extremely popular among dogs and humans alike. Packed with fiber and vitamin C, your dog will surely enjoy this red treat. A unique benefit of this fruit is its richness in enzymes. These enzymes naturally whiten your dog’s teeth!


Quick Facts: This sweet and juicy fruit contains vitamins A, B6, C, and E. It is crucial to skin and remove the fruit pit because it can be dangerous for dogs. Many fruit pits contain small traces of cyanide that can hurt your pet if they were to get ahold of it. Furthermore, pits of any size can pose the threat of choking. So, as long as you remove the fruit pit, this sugary fruit is a great enrichment treat or fun dessert.


Quick Facts: Cucumbers are a hydrating and delicious treat. This fruit is excellent for dogs who struggle with obesity. The crunchy and easy option offers plenty of vitamins K, C, and B1, as well as potassium, copper, magnesium, and biotin!


Quick Facts: While oranges are safe for your furry friends to eat, many dogs do not enjoy citrus smells or flavors, so don’t be surprised if your dog turns their nose up at this fruit. If your pup is interested in the fruit, great! They’ll enjoy the benefits of vitamin C, potassium, and plenty of fiber. Just make sure to remove the peel and any seeds before giving your dog a taste.


Quick Facts: Pears are high in copper, vitamins C and K, and fiber. Make sure to remove the skin and seeds before you let your pup enjoy this treat, which is excellent for snacking or behavior enrichment.


Quick Facts: Peaches are sweet and delicious. Small chunks offer vitamin A and fiber but contain a lot of sugar, so be mindful of how much you give your pooch. Similarly to mangos, peaches have a pit. Cut the flesh away from the pit to keep your canine from getting sick.


Quick Facts: This last, dog-friendly fruit is delicious and perfect for hydrating your pooch. Watermelon is high in vitamins A, B6, and C, potassium, and is 92% water! Just be sure to remove the rind and seeds before feeding Fido because these parts of the watermelon can cause blockages.

Remember, while these treats are safe, only feed your dog fruits in moderation! The next time you make a fruit salad, set some aside for your furry friend; they’ll thank you later!